Thursday, September 26, 2019

Week 4 - September 23 - 27


We have been learning how to create our own similes and are writing an acrostic poem using similes.  At home challenge: use a simile to describe snow in September.  Snow in September is like _______________________________.

We started our new unit on Numbers. Every time we start a new unit, I will post supplementary activities that students are encouraged to use at home for extra practice. This week, we learned to represent numbers in many different ways. we also learned to read 6 digit numbers.

We are starting our homework routine next week. Every Monday, students will receive a paper copy of a Math worksheet. They should be able to work independently on it as I will explain all the questions in class. It will come attached in a duo tang and I ask that it is returned on Thursday in the same duo tang. We will correct the work as a class every Friday.

Please note that my class is open at lunch every Thursday for help in Math and Science. I am also happy to stay and help students on other days by appointment.

We are going on Field trip next week!! (Fingers crossed for nice weather and not too much snow this weekend) Make sure to bring your money and form on Monday, Sept 30th if not already done. We will be outside all day so students (and parent volunteers) should come prepared for the weather. Here are some info from the Weaselhead staff:

Participants should bring: 
Appropriate clothing for the weather. Dress in layers. (boots or hiking shoes recommended)
Water bottle.
A snack and a waste free lunch for a full day field trip.
If uncomfortable with sitting on the ground, bring something to sit on (for example: A grocery bag with newspaper in it and taped shut). Lunch is held outside with no benches. Students will be sitting on the ground.

Last week, we started to write a story about a present event. This is our first writing assignment and it is a little bit challenging. This short story (75 words)  has to be written using the present tense and using "I'. This is a task that we will be completing in class next week. We are also starting our French Song Fridays.

Social Studies
We took a lot of notes about the Atlantic Region.  We talked about the first nations inhabiting the land before the Europeans came for fishing and fur trading.  Then we discussed about the first French colonies, the deportation of the Acadians and the arrival of the loyalist in Nova Scotia.  Next week, we will talk about what were the main jobs people had in the past, physical characteristics of the region, some resources and the climate.

Students will have a map test where they will have to write the names of the regions of Canada, provinces, territories, capitals, oceans, some lakes and rivers (that we've seen in class) on October 2nd.

Here are links to examples of the maps we did in class to help them study : 

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